Dear Friend,

Don’t just pine for the day when you feel good about your finances.

If you’re wishing your financial house were decluttered, your treasures well organized, and money easily flowing through your life, this 31-day email challenge is for you.

I will send you a daily prompt with a small, actionable step that will help you get your financial house in order without overwhelm.

So much gets in the way of feeling on top of our shit –

Not knowing where to start.

Dreading mind-numbing life admin.

Worrying about what we don’t know.

Fending off bad or worse, bad unsolicited advice.

Yet you are where you are, financially.

There’s nothing wrong or shameful about that. It’s what’s true, for now.

It will change because all things change, but it can change faster into what you desire if you take action, however small.

Your relationship with money mirrors your relationship with yourself.

Treat yourself to a bit of self-love.

Have a little more fun in the process.

Feel good having your financial shit together.

Sign up and enjoy your newly cleaned, decluttered financial house, one with lots of room for growth in the coming year.

It’s my New Year’s gift to you. Sign up here.

Hi, I'm Mariko

I built a $2.5B money management firm starting with literally $0 under management. I did it flying my freak flag high, building a firm that was not your typical, dog-eat-dog Wall Street shop.

I have spent 30 years analyzing companies, speaking to management teams, studying competitive landscapes, and taking apart business models. I can help you think about your business, rediscover the thrill if it’s gone, or launch a new venture with confidence.

You can run your business, your finances and your life on your own terms. There’s no need to be afraid, to be someone you’re not, or to compromise your vision.

Well-tended, your business can be the most joyous, empowering and generative of creative expressions. Its challenges and triumphs will fuel your personal growth.